For My Best Little Buddy
Today I made this heart of brownies for my new best friend. Yeah, I know they’re not great looking, but they sure are packed with love for this guy who has a little something to teach us all.
I only found out yesterday that I'm his best friend. That's when his mom told me. You see, my new best bud is only three. I was thrilled to learn that I made his list of favorites, along with his mom, his dad, his brother, the woman who helps the family, and the dog.
Okay, let me pause here and say I know it could come across as slightly desperate to be this excited that a three year old, who will probably change his mind tomorrow, picked me out of his little crowd. But there’s more to this story. There is something pure and innocent about the outpouring of love from a child. It freely flows in whichever direction fits that moment and there are no pretenses. Kids are all in, which makes it feel extra sweet to be the object of their adoration, even if it is only temporarily.
My new best friend status makes me think about the example this little guy unwittingly sets for all of us. When I deliver his brownies today, he will greet me as he always does, running in my direction or bouncing with excitement in his booster seat, a big smile on his face as he loudly calls my name. What a lovely way to greet someone, right? Already, he knows how to spread love by showing his excitement to see a friend, even though he sees her frequently. He know how to take stock of the people (and dogs) in his world who make him smile. And he makes me want to pour my love out into the world in the same effervescent way.
Today, I’ll start with him, my new best friend.