Why We All Need to Reach for the Sand
It happens every time I teach the little ones on a Sunday morning: I learn something that blows my mind, something that changes me in a big way. It happened again today.
About a dozen young kids and I left the grown ups in "big church" and marched down a long hallway and into a quiet room. I love this time with these wonderful little people. They compel me to stop and listen to my heart before we come together, before I speak about life and lessons. That's where the real learning happens: in the quiet, in the listening.
Regardless of your religious convictions, the bible story today offers universal lessons. The passage from the book of John is about the Pharisees bringing an adulterous woman to Jesus and asking His opinion of the law that called for them to stone her. The take away from this story is that Jesus says that the one without sin should cast cast the first stone. The obvious point is important: Don't judge other people's junk because you have your own. But there's more to this story and I saw it only after a week of being a reactionary wife and mom, who, thankfully, was also mulling over a passage and a message.
I thought beyond what Jesus said and was struck by the simplicity and importance of what He did: He paused. He drew in the sand, slowing things down, calming emotions, thinking carefully before He responded. It's a great scene to hold in your mind when tensions and tempers and frustrations and judgements rise. Stop. Draw in the imaginary sands. Think. Pray. Only then should we speak. God knows we, and those around us, will be better for it.
Thank you, little ones, for giving me a reason to listen to my heart. You teach me big things.