The Big Joy of Little Things - Day 17
Imagine you have a choice to spend time with Joe, who’s a good guy, but he complains. A lot. Life is generally kind to him, but even so, he focusses primarily on the things that go wrong. Even small things get under his skin and he dwells on them and everything else that’s wrong with the world. It’s as if his ability to see all the good is clouded by a few bad things. Good is never enough.
Now imagine spending time with Pete, a good guy who’s usually happy, even when the going gets tough. He tends to talk more about the good things than the bad and he appreciates what he has. On most days, good is enough.
Who would you rather hang out with?
Being aware of what we have and being grateful for it every day makes us a positive force in the world. It makes us the kind of person others invite into their lives and want to keep there. And it makes us enjoy our own company more as well because we are happier. If gratitude hasn't been a big part of your daily life, it takes some effort to change, but it's well worth it. And the more you look for the good things in your life, the easier it becomes to find them.
I'm spending rare time with my dear friend in the photo above who is a Pete. Today, I am most grateful for her spirit and her friendship.
What are you grateful for today? Spend a few quiet minutes relishing all that is good and make that your focus today. Be Pete. The world will love you for it.
Only four days until we hit the three week habit of gratitude and wrap up daily reminders. But it's not too late to get started. It's never too late.