Tracy Wilson

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The Point of it All

This profoundly important question deserves pause, worthy of a thoughtful answer.

So, what are you here for?

Be careful before you answer. You have to stop and employ a liberal dose of honesty about this.

I know what I want my answer to be: Of course I'm here to live a life of connection. But what am I doing to create a steady flow of opportunity for this to happen? Am I giving of myself? Am I seeking out ways to be there for those I love, those I know, those I meet?

The walk is much more demanding than the talk. 

Your answer to this question is your guidepost. It indicates your priorities and your priorities direct how you live. 

At the end of our days, when our lives are said and done, what will matter more than being there for another? What will mean more than our kindness, our compassion, our love? 

What else are we here for if not for each other?