Move Along.....

"Progress is most often made not in leaps and bounds, but in baby steps."  

So many things get in the way of our progress in losing weight, decorating the house, finding a new job, writing a book, or whatever that one thing is that matters. Really matters. You've faced it, too, right? You have your goals and you have your distractions that pull you from them and sometimes it all makes you wonder if you'll ever get where you want to be....

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Partner Up

It’s good you can’t see me right now because I look as rough as I feel. But I'm here in a wimpy, sickly state because I want to give props to those who live alone. Serious praise. Here’s why…

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No Doubt

Doubt is a crazy, insidious thing that has a way of making its way into our minds with a mission to destroy confidence, dreams and belief. It’s like a slow leak in the house that is barely noticeable at first, but creates mass destruction under the surface.....

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