July 31
Gratitude is the way we become satisfied with what we have, rather than always wanting more, wrongly convinced that more will finally make us happy. Sure, that new dress or new car or new house might do the trick temporarily, but it won't bring lasting happiness. That kind of joy can only be found within us. It comes when we pay attention and see the good things life offers us, when we drop that acknowledgement down into the deep soulful well inside of us, and then lift it Heavenward, toward the Divine.
That is gratitude.
So, today, be sure to appreciate the things in life that matter greatly, but in their ever presence can go unnoticed: that next meal, the clothes we wear, the roof over our heads, the miracle of our next breath. Then pay attention to the smallest pleasures: birds chirping, kids laughing, and juicy ripe strawberries. Blessings abound and noticing them is gratitude in its own right.
Make time to give thanks today and then reap the benefits (If you didn't read Day 2, click here to find out what they are). I have no doubt life smiles on our gratitude.
The Big Joy in Little Things - Day 4: I’m grateful for….
13. Hanging out at the house, listening to my favorite music with a cold drink in hand and the incredible feeling of a relaxed, summertime night.
14. Rain showers that cool the scorching temperatures and save me the job of watering the potted plants outside.
15. Going grocery shopping and not having to carry a calculator to tally my spending the way I did in my early adulthood, when money was tight and I was afraid of bouncing a check.
16. Watching my boy follow his fishing passion and knowing the thing he most wants to do immerses him in nature.
Peace, love and gratitude, Underdogs!