I had a little revelation today.....
We need to do more cheering for each other, to yell and scream and jump up and down on the sidelines of one another's lives. We need to help each other succeed because... well... there's plenty of success to go around. As life coach, Dr. Joyce Knudsen would say, "..... I was raised to believe there is enough sun for everyone." Yes, Dr. Joyce, there is. There absolutely is.
The importance of cheerleading hit me this morning when I gave a shout out for my friend, Meg Walton, who's been busting her chops on a new clothing line she just launched. It took me seconds to support her dream by popping it up on my personal Facebook profile and sharing it with my friends. A simple task: support someone who has a serious goal and is working to make it happen.
And here's the thing: I got something out of it, too. It felt good to boost another. That's what happens when we get behind someone else. It doesn't actually put us behind at all. Instead, it carries a healthy dose of unexpected reciprocity.
All of this makes me wonder why I'm not seeking out opportunities to do this every single day. Why aren't we all shouting out support for the people around us? And not just once in a while like I just did. But every day. With social media, it's easier than ever. And even without the Facebooks, and Twitters and Instagrams of the world, there's a phone call or a face to face conversation. It takes nothing from us and, in fact, it gives us something in return.
We were built for love and cheering one another on is an act of love. Whether it's someone who's working to make her dream a reality, or who's having a tough go of it and needs encouragement, or who hears much more criticism and doubt than praise and belief, people need cheerleaders to rally around them.
At a time when a lot of folks are ready to argue and diminish one another, let's take a different approach today. Find someone you can get behind, whether they're launching a clothing line or fighting cancer. The world needs more cheering and less booing. So today, give a compliment. Offer a sign of affirmation. Press "like" on an abundance of posts. There's a good chance you'll make someone feel good. And you'll feel it, too.
Please let our growing circle of Underdogs know how we can cheer you on, too. Leave a comment below or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tracywilsonwrites. Oh, and if you want to check out Meg's clothing, which is pretty darned awesome, click here: www.out2launch.com.
I'm cheering you on!! Go, Underdogs, Go!!
(If you like what you read here, please share, like or leave a comment. It's kinda like throwing a quarter into the basket of the guy playing guitar on the town square. Except this doesn't cost you anything.)