To our fathers and the fathers of our children: this is your why we celebrate you today and we need you every day.
You bring balance to a family. You teach things and relate in ways that we moms can't. You show us that strength and sensitivity are not mutually exclusive. You make us laugh and show us it's okay to cry. You teach by example how to treat others, especially a wife and your parents. You teach us how to change a tire, mow the grass, stand up to a bully, and be kind and generous. You demonstrate work ethic and how to take care of a family. You love us like no other and there is no substitute for you. And this is why I am eternally grateful for you, my father and the father of my children.
My father, Johnny Wilson, and me.
Thank you, Dad, for teaching me about life, showing me by example how to stay positive in all circumstances, how to laugh and love and why it's important to be one of the good guys. Thank you for teaching me that listening matters more than talking (I'm still working on that one.) Thank you for guiding me through life's difficult decisions, but letting make them. Thank you for showing me that anything is possible and for believing in me always. You are very much alive in me and your love transcends all.
My Hubs and our boys
Thank you to my husband for the way you have grown into fatherhood. During our sons' little boy years you leaned into me and now, in teen times, I lean into you. Our sons need you more than ever, especially as I fumble and try to figure out how to parent young men instead of boys. Every day you teach me how to handle them, to speak in thirty second sound bites and then walk away no matter how much I want to keep talking. You help me to check my emotions and you guide my girl brain to try to understand a guy's way of thinking. (Still befuddled by it!) I don't know what I'd do without you to get us through the teen years. Your love is our all.
For these two fathers and all who are called, "Dad," your role in our lives is huge. We are grateful for you and blessed to have you. You are more important than you know. And we love you more than words can describe. Happy Father's Day!
(Dad always said we should share. If you like what you read, make my day and pass it on. Just click the share button below....)