Where is that place you can come as you are and lay down something real and true?
Something yours.
Maybe even something holy, not because it comes from you but because it flows through you with a current of its own.
For my youngest, the altar is out on the water, nature around him, a fish on his line.
Calm. Still.
Following the voice that calls him there.
For me, it’s here, on the page, where, on the best of days, the words don’t come from me but through me.
It’s where something deep bubbles up and flows out and feels so right regardless of what anyone else thinks because it is a joint venture with my Maker.
Your altar has everything to do with your faith and nothing to do with your lack of it.
It exists for every one of us.
There are no requirements other than bringing yourself fully and purely to something that feels so right and so good, that bolsters and betters.
This thing you would be restless without.
Let nothing stop you from spending time there.
Tend it. Nurture it.
This is YOUR place. Others might visit it with you, but it is your holy ground.
And mine. A place for us to drop our guard and our outer layers and sink into our very souls.
To be fully you. Fully me.
Where is your altar?
If you don’t know, think about what brings you the most joy, the greatest outpouring and filling of yourself - all at the same time. This requires paying attention to how things feel and what reaches deep. If you haven’t found it, keep looking. Perhaps finding this is how we find our purpose in the life that we are gifted.