I wonder how the mob scene happened. How could people be so blind and so cruel? Yet we all stand right there with them. This day reminds us to step out of the crowd......
Read moreFuture Tripping: Managing the Fear of What's Ahead
My older son and his friends call it “future tripping,” worrying about what’s ahead for them as they journey through young adulthood. Let me tell you, I’m way past their stage, but I’m on one heck of a trip...
Read moreWhat It Takes to Make Dreams Come True
Everyone has a dream? So, what's yours? Going after the goal you most want requires determination and inspiration. And today, before the sun was up, I found a good dose of both....
Read moreMore Cheering! Less Booing!
I had a little revelation today. At a time when a lot of folks are ready to argue and diminish one another, take a different approach. You'll be surprised by what you get in return. I certainly was.....
Read moreWords Connect
Reader. Writer. Like most things in life, it doesn't work unless we're in it together. Have I mentioned how much I appreciate you being here? Because I do.
The Case of an Angel: A Mother, A Daughter and Heavenly Healing
Relationships are tricky, especially when you can't see the other person beyond their connection with you. But when the blinders come off, the effect is profound. I know this because looking more closely was a miracle that transformed my relationship with my mother who had died months earlier and then turned up in the form of an angel.....
Read moreCrossing the Bridge from Divided to United
There's so much fighting and coercion out there. It's all over social media. It's in coffee shop conversations. This tide is carrying us farther apart at a time when we must come together and I've been wondering how, in the midst of strong feelings and people being at great odds, we can do that. How do we come together? I have an idea....
Read moreMini Skirts and Mumus: When Your Inner Critic Becomes a Bully
It started as I wondered how the hell I could pull off an outfit for a sixties party and ended with facing my cruel inner critic. We all have one and if you hear trash talk from yours, too, tell her to zip it!
Read moreScrew Resolutions! I Need a Contract With Time!
I’ve realized change doesn’t come by deciding what we’ll do. It comes by changing how we think. And to do that, I need more than resolutions. I need a full-on, bulletproof contract with 2017. Maybe you could use one, too...
Read moreModern Day Wise Man
I know. You’re rushed. Me, too. So I’ll keep it short. But don’t skip this one. It’s important. Really, it’s all that matters on our to-do lists. This one comes courtesy of the wisest man I’ve ever known.
Read moreHave a Look...
What's under the covers? The answer matters. A lot. So take a peek. Actually, take a good, long look.....
Read moreUnited We Stand. Divided We Fall
Please, I implore you to stop the trash talk and start cleaning up! WE are this country. Not the president. Not the government. It's up to us....
Read moreFinding You
I'm not asking what labels you wear. They're easy. They're what the world says you are.
But deep down, who do you say you are?
Really. Truly.
Finding out might just save the real You.....
Seeking Shelter in Stormy Weather
When the storms come, we need something to remind us that we can get through them. We need something to inspire us. And in order to find it, we need to open ourselves fully. And that is way easier than you might think.....
Read moreDeep in the Swamp
Struggling with something big? Feeling like you're stuck in one of life's mucky swamps? I'm right there with you, but the words of one far wiser than I am teach us not to run and not to wallow. There is a best way out and if we will follow, it will lead us to redemption.....
Read moreVoices Across the Canyon
Writing is kind of like firing my heart out across a massive canyon and having no idea where it will end up. Sometimes it lands with unexpected people in unexpected places and today I couldn't be more excited.....
Read moreThe Gift of Big Cats and Far Away Places
The world came alive for me when I was thirteen and traveled far away for the first time. From then on, every place I've been seems to have had something to teach me. And this time, in Africa, my masters weren't even human....
Read moreBaby Steps and Leaps and Bounds
Often we don't realize we are taking our first steps toward something bigger when we try something small and new. Take a baby step today. Who knows where it will lead.....
Read moreThe Champion of Underdogs and Ultimate Role Model
Here's why we should all pause in honor of Mother Teresa today: She sets the bar for us.
Read moreThe Launch Pad of Hard Times
There sucks. You've been there. I have, too. And it's brutal. But it's not our permanent residence. It's a launch pad.....
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